PowerPlus Cleaning Solutions DCU Mud-Slide
PowerPlus DCU Responder Team

Mud-slides and land-slides wreck havoc with foundations and landscaping. While technologies have developed to help with these problems in retention walls and better engineering of the soil, many homes and businesses alike share this common potential risk. The clean ups can be just as messy as the catastrophe itself.

Mud is also a more invasive carrier as it settles into pores and cracks of wood, concrete, or any porous material. With it can be a perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew and other nasty bio hazards and threats. Disasters like this go beyond simply “power washing” and require tools that can deliver chemical cleaning agents as well as water, heated to incredibly high temperatures and controlled so they do not destroy the very objects intended to be cleaned.

PowerPlus is standing by with custom designed solutions and technologies that address the, sometimes, very specific needs of your cities and lands. A specific action plan is designed and implemented into any given disaster utilizing our Clean and Capture tools and methods. We can decontaminate any hazmat, chemicals, or other contaminants from any given surface in any given location. We have tools that allow us to work in remote locations or off of boats, vans, or any vehicle that will support the weight. We can also aid in the removal of the water via our large pump-outs already mounted to our equipment aiding in the removal of the unwanted water. With addition to our expertise in cleaning mildew, molds, and other nasty things that lingering water brings you can be assured that your properties can be revived.

Certified In-Situ By:
Evironmental Protection Agency
Dept. of Navy
Department of Navy
Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Coast Gaurd
Coast Gaurd
Food Drug Administration
Homeland Security
Homeland Security